VBA Strings Module

Member Description
Asc Returns the character code of the first letter in a string.
AscB Returns the first byte of a string.
AscW Returns the Unicode character code when Unicode is supported. If Unicode is not supported it works the same as Asc. *Do not use on Mac. **AscW only Works properly up to 32767 and then returns negative numbers. This problem occurs because Unicode characters are represented by unsigned 16-bit integers and VBA uses signed 16-bit integers. See the wrapper functions below to correct for this problem.
Chr Returns a character given a character code. Returns a Variant/String.
Chr$ Returns a character given a character code. Returns a String.
ChrB Returns a single-byte string representing a character given a character code. Returns a Variant/String. *Try StrConv(ChrB(65),vbUnicode)
ChrB$ Returns a single-byte string representing a character given a character code. Returns a String. *Try StrConv(ChrB$(65),vbUnicode).
ChrW Returns a character given a Unicode character code if Unicode is supported. If Unicode is not supported it is the same as Chr. Returns Variant/String. *Do not use ChrW on a Mac.
ChrW$ Returns a character given a Unicode character code if Unicode is supported. If Unicode is not supported it is the same as Chr$. Returns String. *Do not use ChrW$ on a Mac.
Filter Returns an array containing a filtered subset of a string array.
Format Returns a string formatted by a given a format expression. Returns Variant/String.
Format$ Returns a string formatted by a given a format expression. Returns String.
FormatCurrency Returns a string formatted as a currency. Uses the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
FormatDateTime Returns a string formatted as a date or time.
FormatNumber Returns a string formatted as a number.
FormatPercent Returns a string formatted as a percentage.
InStr Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another string.
InStrB Returns the byte position of the first occurrence of one string within another string.
InStrRev Returns the position of an occurrence of one string within another string starting from the end of the string and searching toward the start of the string.
Join Returns a string containing the elements of an array joined together by a delimiter.
LCase Returns a string converted to lowercase. Returns Variant/String.
LCase$ Returns a string converted to lowercase. Returns String.
Left Returns a substring of a given length from the left side of a string. Returns Variant/String.
Left$ Returns a substring of a given length from the left side of a string. Returns String.
LeftB Returns a substring of a given length in bytes from the left side of a string. Returns Variant/String.
LeftB$ Returns a substring of a given length in bytes from the left side of a string. Returns String.
Len Returns the number of characters in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable.
LenB Returns the number of bytes in a string or the number of bytes required to store a variable.
LTrim Returns a string without leading spaces. Returns Variant/String.
LTrim$ Returns a string without leading spaces. Returns String.
Mid Returns a substring of a given length. Returns Variant/String. Can be used to alter sections of a string.
Mid$ Returns a substring of a given length. Returns String. Can be used to alter sections of a string.
MidB Returns a substring of a given length in bytes. Returns Variant/String. Can be used to alter sections of a string.
MidB$ Returns a substring of a given length in bytes. Returns String. Can be used to alter sections of a string.
MonthName Returns a string representing a given month.
Replace Returns a string with a given substring replaced by another string. Returns String.
Right Returns a substring of a given length from the right side of a string. Returns Variant/String.
Right$ Returns a substring of a given length from the right side of a string. Returns String.
RightB Returns a substring of a given length in bytes from the right side of a string. Returns Variant/String.
RightB$ Returns a substring of a given length in bytes from the right side of a string. Returns String.
RTrim Returns a string without trailing spaces. Returns Variant/String.
RTrim$ Returns a string without trailing spaces. Returns String.
Space Returns a given number of spaces. Returns Variant/String.
Space$ Returns a given number of spaces. Returns String.
Split Returns a string array by splitting up a string on a delimiter.
StrComp Returns the result of a string comparison.
StrConv Returns a string converted according to a given option.
String Returns a string repeated for a given number of times. Returns Variant/String.
String$ Returns a string repeated for a given number of times. Returns String.
StrReverse Returns a reversed string.
Trim Returns a string without leading or trailing spaces. Returns Variant/String.
Trim$ Returns a string without leading or trailing spaces. Returns String.
UCase Returns a string converted to uppercase. Returns Variant/String.
UCase$ Returns a string converted to uppercase. Returns String.
WeekdayName Returns a string representing a given day of the week.
Public Function AscW2(Char As String) As Long
    'This function should be used instead of AscW
    AscW2 = AscW(Char)

    If AscW2 < 0 Then
        AscW2 = AscW2 + 65536
    End If
End Function
Public Function AscW2(Char As String) As Long
    'This function should be used instead of AscW
    AscW2 = AscW(Char) And &HFFFF&
End Function