VBA Microsoft HTML Object Library
The Microsoft HTML Object Library is used to interact with HTML documents. HTML documents can be retrieved from websites using browser automation or HTTP requests.
MSHTML Object Model
- applicationCache
- BlockFormats
- CanvasGradient
- CanvasImageData
- CanvasPattern
- CanvasRenderingContext2D
- CanvasTextMetrics
- CClientCaps
- CEventObj
- CMimeTypes
- COpsProfile
- CPlugins
- CPrintManagerTemplatePrinter
- CTemplatePrinter
- DOMBeforeUnloadEvent
- DOMChildrenCollection
- DOMCloseEvent
- DOMCompositionEvent
- DOMCustomEvent
- DOMDocumentType
- DOMDragEvent
- DOMEvent
- DOMException
- DOMFocusEvent
- DOMKeyboardEvent
- DOMMessageEvent
- DOMMouseEvent
- DOMMouseWheelEvent
- DOMMSAnimationEvent
- DOMMSManipulationEvent
- DOMMSTransitionEvent
- DOMMutationEvent
- DOMParser
- DOMParserFactory
- DOMProcessingInstruction
- DOMProgressEvent
- DOMSiteModeEvent
- DOMStorageEvent
- DOMTextEvent
- DOMUIEvent
- DOMWheelEvent
- EventException
- FontNames
- FramesCollection
- HTCAttachBehavior
- HTCDefaultDispatch
- HTCDescBehavior
- HTCEventBehavior
- HTCMethodBehavior
- HTCPropertyBehavior
- HTMLAnchorElement
- HTMLAppBehavior
- HTMLAreaElement
- HTMLAreasCollection
- HTMLAttributeCollection
- HTMLAudioElement
- HTMLAudioElementFactory
- HTMLBaseElement
- HTMLBaseFontElement
- HTMLBGsound
- HTMLBlockElement
- HTMLBody
- HTMLBRElement
- HTMLButtonElement
- HTMLCanvasElement
- HTMLCommentElement
- HTMLCSSImportRule
- HTMLCSSMediaList
- HTMLCSSMediaRule
- HTMLCSSNamespaceRule
- HTMLCSSStyleDeclaration
- HTMLCurrentStyle
- HTMLDDElement
- HTMLDefaults
- HTMLDialog
- HTMLDivElement
- HTMLDivPosition
- HtmlDlgSafeHelper
- HTMLDListElement
- HTMLDocument
- HTMLDocumentCompatibleInfo
- HTMLDocumentCompatibleInfoCollection
- HTMLDOMAttribute
- HTMLDOMImplementation
- HTMLDOMXmlSerializerFactory
- HTMLDTElement
- HTMLElementCollection
- HTMLEmbed
- HTMLFieldSetElement
- HTMLFontElement
- HTMLFormElement
- HTMLFrameBase
- HTMLFrameElement
- HTMLFrameSetSite
- HTMLGenericElement
- HTMLHeadElement
- HTMLHeaderElement
- HTMLHistory
- HTMLHRElement
- HTMLHtmlElement
- HTMLIFrame
- HTMLImageElementFactory
- HTMLInputButtonElement
- HTMLInputElement
- HTMLInputFileElement
- htmlInputImage
- HTMLInputTextElement
- HTMLIsIndexElement
- HTMLLabelElement
- HTMLLegendElement
- HTMLLIElement
- HTMLLinkElement
- HTMLListElement
- HTMLLocation
- HTMLMapElement
- HTMLMarqueeElement
- HTMLMediaElement
- HTMLMediaError
- HTMLMetaElement
- HTMLMSCSSKeyframeRule
- HTMLMSCSSKeyframesRule
- HTMLNamespace
- HTMLNamespaceCollection
- HTMLNavigator
- HTMLNextIdElement
- HTMLNoShowElement
- HTMLObjectElement
- HTMLOListElement
- HTMLOptionButtonElement
- HTMLOptionElement
- HTMLOptionElementFactory
- HTMLParaElement
- HTMLParamElement
- HTMLPerformance
- HTMLPerformanceNavigation
- HTMLPerformanceTiming
- HTMLPhraseElement
- HTMLPopup
- HTMLProgressElement
- HTMLRenderStyle
- HTMLRichtextElement
- HTMLRuleStyle
- HTMLScreen
- HTMLScriptElement
- HTMLSelectElement
- HTMLSemanticElement
- HTMLSourceElement
- HTMLSpanElement
- HTMLSpanFlow
- HTMLStorage
- HTMLStyle
- HTMLStyleElement
- HTMLStyleFontFace
- HTMLStyleMedia
- HTMLStyleSheet
- HTMLStyleSheetPage
- HTMLStyleSheetPagesCollection
- HTMLStyleSheetRule
- HTMLStyleSheetRulesAppliedCollection
- HTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection
- HTMLStyleSheetsCollection
- HTMLTable
- HTMLTableCaption
- HTMLTableCell
- HTMLTableCol
- HTMLTableRow
- HTMLTableSection
- HTMLTextAreaElement
- HTMLTextElement
- HTMLTimeRanges
- HTMLTitleElement
- HTMLUListElement
- HTMLUnknownElement
- HTMLUrnCollection
- HTMLVideoElement
- HTMLW3CComputedStyle
- HTMLWindow2
- HTMLWindowProxy
- HTMLWndOptionElement
- HTMLWndSelectElement
- HTMLXMLHttpRequest
- HTMLXMLHttpRequestFactory
- IActiveIMMApp
- IBFCacheable
- ICanvasGradient
- ICanvasImageData
- ICanvasPattern
- ICanvasPixelArray
- ICanvasPixelArrayData
- ICanvasRenderingContext2D
- ICanvasTextMetrics
- ICSSFilter
- ICSSFilterSite
- IDebugCallbackNotificationHandler
- IDeveloperConsoleMessageReceiver
- IDisplayPointer
- IDisplayServices
- IDocumentEvent
- IDocumentRange
- IDocumentSelector
- IDocumentTraversal
- IDOMBeforeUnloadEvent
- IDOMCloseEvent
- IDOMCompositionEvent
- IDOMCustomEvent
- IDOMDocumentType
- IDOMDragEvent
- IDOMEvent
- IDOMEventRegistrationCallback
- IDOMException
- IDOMFocusEvent
- IDOMKeyboardEvent
- IDOMMessageEvent
- IDOMMouseEvent
- IDOMMouseWheelEvent
- IDOMMSAnimationEvent
- IDOMMSManipulationEvent
- IDOMMSTransitionEvent
- IDOMMutationEvent
- IDOMNodeIterator
- IDOMParser
- IDOMProcessingInstruction
- IDOMProgressEvent
- IDOMSiteModeEvent
- IDOMStorageEvent
- IDOMTextEvent
- IDOMTreeWalker
- IDOMWheelEvent
- IDOMXmlSerializer
- IElementBehavior
- IElementBehaviorCategory
- IElementBehaviorFactory
- IElementBehaviorFocus
- IElementBehaviorLayout
- IElementBehaviorLayout2
- IElementBehaviorRender
- IElementBehaviorSite
- IElementBehaviorSiteCategory
- IElementBehaviorSiteLayout
- IElementBehaviorSiteLayout2
- IElementBehaviorSiteOM
- IElementBehaviorSiteOM2
- IElementBehaviorSiteRender
- IElementBehaviorSubmit
- IElementNamespace
- IElementNamespaceFactory
- IElementNamespaceFactory2
- IElementNamespaceFactoryCallback
- IElementNamespaceTable
- IElementSegment
- IElementSelector
- IElementTraversal
- IEnumInputContext
- IEnumPrivacyRecords
- IEnumRegisterWordA
- IEnumRegisterWordW
- IEnumUnknown
- IEventException
- IEventTarget
- IEventTarget2
- IGetSVGDocument
- IHighlightRenderingServices
- IHighlightSegment
- IHostBehaviorInit
- IHTCAttachBehavior
- IHTCAttachBehavior2
- IHTCDefaultDispatch
- IHTCDescBehavior
- IHTCEventBehavior
- IHTCMethodBehavior
- IHTCPropertyBehavior
- IHTMLAnchorElement
- IHTMLAnchorElement2
- IHTMLAnchorElement3
- IHTMLAppBehavior
- IHTMLAppBehavior2
- IHTMLAppBehavior3
- IHTMLAreaElement
- IHTMLAreaElement2
- IHTMLAreasCollection
- IHTMLAreasCollection2
- IHTMLAreasCollection3
- IHTMLAreasCollection4
- IHTMLAttributeCollection
- IHTMLAttributeCollection2
- IHTMLAttributeCollection3
- IHTMLAttributeCollection4
- IHTMLAudioElement
- IHTMLBaseElement
- IHTMLBaseElement2
- IHTMLBaseFontElement
- IHTMLBGsound
- IHTMLBlockElement
- IHTMLBlockElement2
- IHTMLBlockElement3
- IHTMLBodyElement
- IHTMLBodyElement2
- IHTMLBodyElement3
- IHTMLBodyElement4
- IHTMLBodyElement5
- IHTMLBookmarkCollection
- IHTMLBRElement
- IHTMLButtonElement
- IHTMLButtonElement2
- IHTMLCanvasElement
- IHTMLCaret
- IHTMLChangeLog
- IHTMLChangePlayback
- IHTMLChangeSink
- IHTMLCommentElement
- IHTMLCommentElement2
- IHTMLCommentElement3
- IHTMLComputedStyle
- IHTMLControlElement
- IHTMLControlRange
- IHTMLControlRange2
- IHTMLCSSImportRule
- IHTMLCSSNamespaceRule
- IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration
- IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration2
- IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration3
- IHTMLCSSStyleDeclaration4
- IHTMLCurrentStyle
- IHTMLCurrentStyle2
- IHTMLCurrentStyle3
- IHTMLCurrentStyle4
- IHTMLCurrentStyle5
- IHTMLDatabinding
- IHTMLDataTransfer
- IHTMLDDElement
- IHTMLDialog2
- IHTMLDialog3
- IHTMLDivElement
- IHTMLDivPosition
- IHTMLDListElement
- IHTMLDocument
- IHTMLDocument2
- IHTMLDocument3
- IHTMLDocument4
- IHTMLDocument5
- IHTMLDocument6
- IHTMLDocument7
- IHTMLDocument8
- IHTMLDocumentCompatibleInfo
- IHTMLDocumentCompatibleInfoCollection
- IHTMLDOMAttribute
- IHTMLDOMAttribute2
- IHTMLDOMAttribute3
- IHTMLDOMAttribute4
- IHTMLDOMChildrenCollection
- IHTMLDOMChildrenCollection2
- IHTMLDOMConstructor
- IHTMLDOMConstructorCollection
- IHTMLDOMImplementation
- IHTMLDOMImplementation2
- IHTMLDTElement
- IHTMLEditDesigner
- IHTMLEditHost
- IHTMLEditHost2
- IHTMLEditServices
- IHTMLEditServices2
- IHTMLElement
- IHTMLElement2
- IHTMLElement3
- IHTMLElement4
- IHTMLElement5
- IHTMLElement6
- IHTMLElement7
- IHTMLElementAppliedStyles
- IHTMLElementCollection
- IHTMLElementCollection2
- IHTMLElementCollection3
- IHTMLElementCollection4
- IHTMLElementDefaults
- IHTMLElementRender
- IHTMLEmbedElement
- IHTMLEmbedElement2
- IHTMLEventObj
- IHTMLEventObj2
- IHTMLEventObj3
- IHTMLEventObj4
- IHTMLEventObj5
- IHTMLEventObj6
- IHTMLFieldSetElement
- IHTMLFieldSetElement2
- IHTMLFiltersCollection
- IHTMLFontElement
- IHTMLFontNamesCollection
- IHTMLFontSizesCollection
- IHTMLFormElement
- IHTMLFormElement2
- IHTMLFormElement3
- IHTMLFormElement4
- IHTMLFrameBase
- IHTMLFrameBase2
- IHTMLFrameBase3
- IHTMLFrameElement
- IHTMLFrameElement2
- IHTMLFrameElement3
- IHTMLFrameSetElement
- IHTMLFrameSetElement2
- IHTMLFrameSetElement3
- IHTMLGenericElement
- IHTMLHeadElement
- IHTMLHeadElement2
- IHTMLHeaderElement
- IHTMLHRElement
- IHTMLHtmlElement
- IHTMLIFrameElement
- IHTMLIFrameElement2
- IHTMLIFrameElement3
- IHTMLImgElement
- IHTMLImgElement2
- IHTMLImgElement3
- IHTMLImgElement4
- IHTMLInputButtonElement
- IHTMLInputElement
- IHTMLInputElement2
- IHTMLInputElement3
- IHTMLInputFileElement
- IHTMLInputHiddenElement
- IHTMLInputImage
- IHTMLInputRangeElement
- IHTMLInputTextElement
- IHTMLInputTextElement2
- IHTMLIPrintCollection
- IHTMLIsIndexElement
- IHTMLIsIndexElement2
- IHTMLLabelElement
- IHTMLLabelElement2
- IHTMLLegendElement
- IHTMLLegendElement2
- IHTMLLIElement
- IHTMLLinkElement
- IHTMLLinkElement2
- IHTMLLinkElement3
- IHTMLLinkElement4
- IHTMLLinkElement5
- IHTMLListElement
- IHTMLListElement2
- IHTMLLocation
- IHTMLMapElement
- IHTMLMarqueeElement
- IHTMLMediaElement
- IHTMLMediaElement2
- IHTMLMediaError
- IHTMLMetaElement
- IHTMLMetaElement2
- IHTMLMetaElement3
- IHTMLMSCSSKeyframeRule
- IHTMLMSCSSKeyframesRule
- IHTMLMSImgElement
- IHTMLMSMediaElement
- IHTMLNamespace
- IHTMLNamespaceCollection
- IHTMLNextIdElement
- IHTMLNoShowElement
- IHTMLObjectElement
- IHTMLObjectElement2
- IHTMLObjectElement3
- IHTMLObjectElement4
- IHTMLObjectElement5
- IHTMLOListElement
- IHTMLOptionButtonElement
- IHTMLOptionElement
- IHTMLOptionElement3
- IHTMLOptionElement4
- IHTMLOptionsHolder
- IHTMLPainter
- IHTMLPainterEventInfo
- IHTMLPainterOverlay
- IHTMLPaintSite
- IHTMLParaElement
- IHTMLParamElement
- IHTMLParamElement2
- IHTMLPerformance
- IHTMLPerformanceNavigation
- IHTMLPerformanceTiming
- IHTMLPhraseElement
- IHTMLPhraseElement2
- IHTMLPhraseElement3
- IHTMLPluginsCollection
- IHTMLPopup
- IHTMLProgressElement
- IHTMLRect2
- IHTMLRectCollection
- IHTMLRenderStyle
- IHTMLRuleStyle
- IHTMLRuleStyle2
- IHTMLRuleStyle3
- IHTMLRuleStyle4
- IHTMLRuleStyle5
- IHTMLRuleStyle6
- IHTMLScreen
- IHTMLScreen2
- IHTMLScreen3
- IHTMLScreen4
- IHTMLScriptElement
- IHTMLScriptElement2
- IHTMLScriptElement3
- IHTMLScriptElement4
- IHTMLSelectElement
- IHTMLSelectElement2
- IHTMLSelectElement4
- IHTMLSelectElement5
- IHTMLSelectElement6
- IHTMLSelectElementEx
- IHTMLSelection
- IHTMLSelectionObject
- IHTMLSelectionObject2
- IHTMLSourceElement
- IHTMLSpanElement
- IHTMLSpanFlow
- IHTMLStorage
- IHTMLStorage2
- IHTMLStyle
- IHTMLStyle2
- IHTMLStyle3
- IHTMLStyle4
- IHTMLStyle5
- IHTMLStyle6
- IHTMLStyleElement
- IHTMLStyleElement2
- IHTMLStyleEnabled
- IHTMLStyleFontFace
- IHTMLStyleFontFace2
- IHTMLStyleMedia
- IHTMLStyleSheet
- IHTMLStyleSheet2
- IHTMLStyleSheet3
- IHTMLStyleSheet4
- IHTMLStyleSheetPage
- IHTMLStyleSheetPage2
- IHTMLStyleSheetPagesCollection
- IHTMLStyleSheetRule
- IHTMLStyleSheetRule2
- IHTMLStyleSheetRuleApplied
- IHTMLStyleSheetRulesAppliedCollection
- IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection
- IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection2
- IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection
- IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection2
- IHTMLSubmitData
- IHTMLTable
- IHTMLTable2
- IHTMLTable3
- IHTMLTable4
- IHTMLTableCaption
- IHTMLTableCell
- IHTMLTableCell2
- IHTMLTableCell3
- IHTMLTableCol
- IHTMLTableCol2
- IHTMLTableCol3
- IHTMLTableRow
- IHTMLTableRow2
- IHTMLTableRow3
- IHTMLTableRow4
- IHTMLTableRowMetrics
- IHTMLTableSection
- IHTMLTableSection2
- IHTMLTableSection3
- IHTMLTableSection4
- IHTMLTextAreaElement
- IHTMLTextAreaElement2
- IHTMLTextContainer
- IHTMLTextElement
- IHTMLTextRangeMetrics
- IHTMLTextRangeMetrics2
- IHTMLTimeRanges
- IHTMLTimeRanges2
- IHTMLTitleElement
- IHTMLTxtRange
- IHTMLTxtRangeCollection
- IHTMLUListElement
- IHTMLUniqueName
- IHTMLUnknownElement
- IHTMLUrnCollection
- IHTMLVideoElement
- IHTMLWindow2
- IHTMLWindow3
- IHTMLWindow4
- IHTMLWindow5
- IHTMLWindow6
- IHTMLWindow7
- IHTMLWindow8
- IHTMLXDomainRequest
- IHTMLXMLHttpRequest
- IHTMLXMLHttpRequest2
- IIMEServices
- ILineInfo
- IMarkupContainer
- IMarkupContainer2
- IMarkupPointer
- IMarkupPointer2
- IMarkupServices
- IMarkupServices2
- IMarkupTextFrags
- INavigatorDoNotTrack
- INavigatorGeolocation
- IOmHistory
- IOmNavigator
- IPrintManagerTemplatePrinter
- IPrintManagerTemplatePrinter2
- IRangeException
- IRulesApplied
- IRulesAppliedCollection
- IScriptEventHandler
- IScriptEventHandlerSourceInfo
- ISecureUrlHost
- ISegment
- ISegmentList
- ISegmentListIterator
- ISelectionServices
- ISelectionServicesListener
- ISequenceNumber
- ISurfacePresenter
- ISVGAElement
- ISVGAnimatedPathData
- ISVGAnimatedPoints
- ISVGCircleElement
- ISVGClipPathElement
- ISVGDefsElement
- ISVGDescElement
- ISVGDocument
- ISVGElement
- ISVGElementInstance
- ISVGElementInstanceList
- ISVGEllipseElement
- ISVGException
- ISVGExternalResourcesRequired
- ISVGFitToViewBox
- ISVGGElement
- ISVGGradientElement
- ISVGImageElement
- ISVGLangSpace
- ISVGLinearGradientElement
- ISVGLineElement
- ISVGLocatable
- ISVGMarkerElement
- ISVGMaskElement
- ISVGMetadataElement
- ISVGPaint
- ISVGPathElement
- ISVGPathSegArcAbs
- ISVGPathSegArcRel
- ISVGPathSegClosePath
- ISVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs
- ISVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel
- ISVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs
- ISVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel
- ISVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs
- ISVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel
- ISVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs
- ISVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel
- ISVGPathSegLinetoAbs
- ISVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs
- ISVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel
- ISVGPathSegLinetoRel
- ISVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs
- ISVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel
- ISVGPathSegMovetoAbs
- ISVGPathSegMovetoRel
- ISVGPatternElement
- ISVGPolygonElement
- ISVGPolylineElement
- ISVGRadialGradientElement
- ISVGRectElement
- ISVGScriptElement
- ISVGStopElement
- ISVGStylable
- ISVGStyleElement
- ISVGSVGElement
- ISVGSwitchElement
- ISVGSymbolElement
- ISVGTests
- ISVGTextContentElement
- ISVGTextElement
- ISVGTextPathElement
- ISVGTextPositioningElement
- ISVGTitleElement
- ISVGTransformable
- ISVGTSpanElement
- ISVGURIReference
- ISVGUseElement
- ISVGViewElement
- ISVGViewSpec
- ISVGZoomAndPan
- ISVGZoomEvent
- ITemplatePrinter
- ITemplatePrinter2
- ITrackingProtection
- IViewObjectPresentNotify
- IViewObjectPresentNotifySite
- IViewObjectPresentSite
- IViewObjectPrint
- IWBScriptControl
- IWebGeocoordinates
- IWebGeolocation
- IWebGeoposition
- IWebGeopositionError
- IWPCBlockedUrls
- IXMLGenericParse
- IXMLHttpRequestEventTarget
- NodeIterator
- OldHTMLDocument
- OldHTMLFormElement
- RangeException
- RulesApplied
- RulesAppliedCollection
- Scriptlet
- StaticNodeList
- SVGAElement
- SVGAngle
- SVGAnimatedAngle
- SVGAnimatedBoolean
- SVGAnimatedEnumeration
- SVGAnimatedInteger
- SVGAnimatedLength
- SVGAnimatedLengthList
- SVGAnimatedNumber
- SVGAnimatedNumberList
- SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio
- SVGAnimatedRect
- SVGAnimatedString
- SVGAnimatedTransformList
- SVGCircleElement
- SVGClipPathElement
- SVGDefsElement
- SVGDescElement
- SVGElement
- SVGElementInstance
- SVGElementInstanceList
- SVGEllipseElement
- SVGException
- SVGGElement
- SVGGradientElement
- SVGImageElement
- SVGLength
- SVGLengthList
- SVGLinearGradientElement
- SVGLineElement
- SVGMarkerElement
- SVGMaskElement
- SVGMatrix
- SVGMetadataElement
- SVGNumber
- SVGNumberList
- SVGPathElement
- SVGPathSeg
- SVGPathSegArcAbs
- SVGPathSegArcRel
- SVGPathSegClosePath
- SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs
- SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel
- SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs
- SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel
- SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs
- SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel
- SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs
- SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel
- SVGPathSegLinetoAbs
- SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs
- SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel
- SVGPathSegLinetoRel
- SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs
- SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel
- SVGPathSegList
- SVGPathSegMovetoAbs
- SVGPathSegMovetoRel
- SVGPatternElement
- SVGPoint
- SVGPointList
- SVGPolygonElement
- SVGPolylineElement
- SVGPreserveAspectRatio
- SVGRadialGradientElement
- SVGRect
- SVGRectElement
- SVGScriptElement
- SVGStopElement
- SVGStringList
- SVGStyleElement
- SVGSVGElement
- SVGSwitchElement
- SVGSymbolElement
- SVGTextContentElement
- SVGTextElement
- SVGTextPathElement
- SVGTextPositioningElement
- SVGTitleElement
- SVGTransform
- SVGTransformList
- SVGTSpanElement
- SVGUseElement
- SVGViewElement
- SVGZoomEvent
- ThreadDialogProcParam
- TreeWalker
- WebGeocoordinates
- WebGeolocation
- WebGeoposition
- WebGeopositionError
- XDomainRequest
- XDomainRequestFactory
- XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
- XMLSerializer
Use Cases
Browser Automation
The MSHTML library can be used along with the Microsoft Internet Controls Library to automate Internet Explorer and retrieve an HTML webpage.
Public Sub Example()
Dim IE As Object 'SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.navigate "https://www.bing.com/"
Do Until IE.readyState = 4 'READYSTATE_COMPLETE
Dim HTMLDoc As Object 'MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Set HTMLDoc = IE.document
Debug.Print HTMLDoc.body.innerHTML
End Sub
HTTP Requests
The MSXML2 Library and the WinHTTP Library can be used to automate HTTP requests. The MSHTML library can be used with HTTP requests to traverse the DOM.
Public Sub Example()
Dim HTMLDoc As Object 'MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Set HTMLDoc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
Dim Req As Object 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Set Req = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
With Req
.Open "GET", "https://www.bing.com/"
If .readyState <> 4 Or .Status <> 200 Then
Debug.Print .readyState, .Status
Exit Sub
End If
HTMLDoc.body.innerHTML = .responseText
End With
Dim ATags As Object 'IHTMLElementCollection
Set ATags = HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("a")
Dim ATag As Object 'IHTMLAnchorElement
For Each ATag In ATags
Debug.Print ATag.href
Next ATag
End Sub