VBA File System

To work with the file system in VBA use VBA's built-in file-handling functions and statements as well as the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library.

Built-In File Handling

VBA has built-in functions and statements for working with the file system. These functions and statements can be used to accomplish CRUD tasks relating to files and directories.

Statement/Procedure Description
Open Opens a file for input and/or output.
FreeFile Returns the next available file number for use with the Open statement.
Width Sets the output line width for an open file.
Close Closes a file opened with the Open statement.
Reset Closes all files opened with the Open statement.
Lock Prevents access to all or part of a file by other processes.
Unlock Allows access to all or part of a file by other processes.
Print Writes display-formatted data to a sequential file.
Spc Used with Print or Debug.Print to position output using spaces.
Tab Used with Print or Debug.Print to position output using tabs.
Write Writes data to a sequential file. Strings are quoted.
Put Writes data from a variable to a file.
Get Reads data from a file to a variable.
Line Input Reads a line from an open sequential file into a String variable.
Input Reads data from an open sequential file into variables.
Input$ Reads data as strings from an open sequential file into variables.
InputB Reads data from a binary file into variables.
InputB$ Reads data as strings from a binary file into variables.
Name Renames a file or directory.
FileCopy Copies a file.
Kill Deletes files.
EOF Returns True when the end of a file opened for input has been reached.
LOF Returns the size in bytes of an open file.
Loc Returns the current read/write position within an open file.
Seek Sets the position for the next read/write operation within an open file.
FileLen Returns the length of a file in bytes.
FileDateTime Returns the date and time when a file was created or last modified.
FileAttr Returns the file mode of an open file.
SetAttr Sets the attributes of a file.
GetAttr Returns the attributes of a file or directory.
Dir Returns the name of a file or directory that matches a given pattern, file attribute, or the volume label of a drive. If not found, returns an empty string.
Chdir Changes the current directory.
Chdrive Changes the current drive.
Curdir Returns the current path as Variant/String.
Curdir$ Returns the current path as String.
Mkdir Creates a directory.
Rmdir Deletes a directory.

Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library

To accomplish more complex file system tasks in VBA, the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library can be used. The Scripting Runtime library contains classes which greatly enable working with the file system.


The Scripting Runtime library contains classes that represent parts of the file system. Drives can contain folders and folders can contain folders and files.

Option Explicit

Public Sub Example()

    Dim FSO     As Object 'Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Dim DColl   As Object 'Scripting.Drives
    Dim D       As Object 'Scripting.Drive
    Dim FdColl  As Object 'Scripting.Folders
    Dim Fd      As Object 'Scripting.Folder
    Dim FColl   As Object 'Scripting.Files
    Dim F       As Object 'Scripting.File

    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    Set DColl = FSO.Drives

    Set D = FSO.GetDrive("C")

    Set FdColl = D.RootFolder.SubFolders

    Set Fd = FSO.GetFolder("C:\")

    Set FColl = FD.Files

    Set F = FSO.GetFile("C:\example.txt")

End Sub


The FileSystemObject class contains methods that make working with the file system simple and easy. The FileSystemObject class can be used to get information about the file system, manipulate paths, and to manipulate drives, folders, and files.

Functions Description
BuildPath Joins elements of a path with the path separator.
CopyFile Copies one or more files. Supports wildcards.
CopyFolder Copies one or more folders. Supports wildcards.
CreateFolder Creates a folder.
CreateTextFile Creates a text file and returns a TextStream object.
DeleteFile Deletes one or more files. Supports wildcards.
DeleteFolder Deletes one or more directories. Supports wildcards.
DriveExists Checks if a drive exists.
FileExists Checks if a file exists.
FolderExists Checks if a folder exists.
GetAbsolutePathName Gets the complete path for a given path.
GetBaseName Gets the base name of a folder or file path without a file extension.
GetDrive Returns a Drive object for a given path.
GetDriveName Gets the drive name for a given path.
GetExtensionName Gets the file extension for a given path.
GetFile Returns a File object for a given path.
GetFileName Gets the last folder name or file name in a path. Does not remove extension.
GetFileVersion Returns the version number of a file.
GetFolder Returns a Folder object for a given path.
GetParentFolderName Gets the parent folder from a path string.
GetSpecialFolder Gets path to Windows' special folders.
GetStandardStream Returns a TextStream representing stdin, stdout, and stderr streams.
GetTempName Returns a random name that can be used to create a temporary file or folder.
MoveFile Moves one or more files. Supports wildcards.
MoveFolder Moves one or more folders. Supports wildcards.
OpenTextFile Opens a text file as a TextStream.