VBA Conditionals

Conditionals are constructs used to make decisions during the execution of a program. In VBA, there are Block If statements, Select Case statements, the Inline If function, the Switch function, and the Choose function. Conditionals can be nested inside each other and combined with other programming constructs to create complex programs.

Block If Statement

The Block If statement is used to execute a certain block of code based on a set of conditional statements. If the result of an expression in a conditional statement evaluates to True then that code block will execute and then exit the If Block. There must be one If condition, there can be any number of optional ElseIf conditions, and there can be one optional Else condition. If the If condition and all ElseIf conditions fail then the Else block will execute. If ElseIf and Else are omitted, the If condition is evaluated and the code block is executed or not.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim x As Long
    x = 50

    If x > 100 Then

        Debug.Print "x is greater than 100."

    ElseIf x > 50 Then

        Debug.Print "x is greater than 50."

    ElseIf x >= 0 Then

        Debug.Print "x is greater than or equal to 0."


        Debug.Print "x is negative."

    End If

End Sub
Public Sub Example()

    'If the user does not answer yes, exit the subroutine

    If MsgBox("Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) <> vbYes Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Msgbox "You chose to continue!", vbOkOnly + vbInformation

End Sub

Select Case Statement

The Select Case statement is used to test a single value or expression and perform branching logic. The Select Case statement will evaluate an expression and then go sequentially down the list of case expressions checking if they evaluate to True. If a True case expression is encountered the block of code for that case will execute and then exit the Select Case statement. An optional Else case can be specified which will execute if no case expression evaluates to True.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Message As String
    Message = "Hello, World!"

    Select Case Message

        Case "Hello"
            Debug.Print "Hello!"

        Case "Goodbye"
            Debug.Print "Goodbye!"

        Case Else
            Debug.Print "I do not understand."

    End Select

End Sub

Case expressions can include comparison operators using the "Is" keyword.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim x As Long
    x = 100

    Select Case x

        Case Is > 100
            Debug.Print "x > 100"

        Case Is > 50
            Debug.Print "x > 50"

        Case Is >= 0
            Debug.Print "x >= 0"

        Case Else
            Debug.Print "x < 0"

    End Select

End Sub

Cases can be joined with a comma using the same logic as the logical Or operator.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Message As String
    Message = "Hi"

    Select Case Message

        Case "Hello", "Hey", "Hi"
            Debug.Print "Hello!"

        Case "Goodbye", "Bye", "See you later"
            Debug.Print "Goodbye!"

        Case Else
            Debug.Print "I do not understand."

    End Select

End Sub

Case expressions can use ranges of values separated by the To keyword.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim x As Long
    x = 5

    Select Case x

        Case 0 To 9
            Debug.Print "x is between 0 and 9"

        Case Else
            Debug.Print "x is not between 0 and 9"

    End Select

End Sub

Comparison operators and ranges can also be used with Strings.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Message As String
    Message = "Hello, World!"

    Select Case Message

        Case Is < "A"
            Debug.Print "Message is greater than A"

        Case "A" To "Z"
            Debug.Print "Message is between A and Z"

        Case Is > "Z"
            Debug.Print "Message is greater than Z"

    End Select

End Sub

Select Case statements are often used with Enum types.

Note: Enums are named integers so they will match with any matching integer value.

Public Enum Options
    Option1 = 1
    Option2 = 2
    Option3 = 3
End Enum

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Opt As Options
    Opt = Option2

    Select Case Opt

        Case Option1
            Debug.Print "Option1 selected"

        Case Option2
            Debug.Print "Option2 selected"

        Case Option3
            Debug.Print "Option3 selected"

    End Select

End Sub

Inline If Function

The IIf (Inline If) function evaluates an expression and returns the result of the truepart expression or the falsepart expression. The conditional expression, the truepart expression, and the falsepart expression are all evaluated regardless of the result of the other expressions. If the condition, the truepart, or the falsepart evaluate to an error the function will cause an error.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim x As Long
    Dim y As Long

    Dim Result As String

    x = 1
    y = 2

    Result = IIf(x = y, "x = y", "x <> y")

    Debug.Print Result

End Sub

Switch Function

The Switch Function takes a list of expressions and values and returns the value corresponding to the first expression that evaluates to true.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim x As Long
    x = 2

    Dim Result As String
    Result = Switch(x = 1, "x = 1", x = 2, "x = 2", x = 3, "x = 3")

    Debug.Print Result

End Sub

Choose Function

The Choose Function takes an index and a list of values and returns the value corresponding to the index.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim i As Long

    For i = 1 To 3
        Debug.Print Choose(i, "One", "Two", "Three")
    Next i

End Sub

Nesting Conditionals

Conditional statements and functions can be nested inside each other to achieve more complex decision making and branching.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Score As Long
    Score = 99

    If Score >= 0 Then

        If Score > 100 Then

            Debug.Print "Maximum score allowed is 100."


            Select Case Score

                Case 100
                    Debug.Print "Perfect!"

                Case 0
                    Debug.Print "No Points!"

                Case Is > 75
                    Debug.Print "Great Job!"

                Case Is > 50
                    Debug.Print "Good Job."

                Case Is > 25
                    Debug.Print "There's always next time."

                Case Else
                    Debug.Print "You need to practice."

            End Select

        End If


        Debug.Print "Negative scores are not allowed."

    End If

End Sub