VBA Operators

Operators perform actions on values and return a result. Operations work much like functions as they take input values, do an operation, and return an output value. There are arithmetic operators, string concatenation operators, comparison operators, logical operators, and bitwise operators. Expressions are created by joining values or expressions using operators.

Operator Precedence

Operator Precedence is the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression.

Precedence Order

    1. Parentheses
      1. Parentheses: ()
    2. Arithmetic Operators
      1. Exponentiation: ^
      2. Unary Identity and Negation: +, -
      3. Multiplication and Floating-Point Division: *, /
      4. Integer Division: \
      5. Remainder Division: Mod
      6. Addition and Subtraction: +, -
    3. Concatenation Operators
      1. String Concatenation: &, +
    4. Comparison Operators
      1. All Comparison Operators: =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, Like, Is, TypeOf...Is
    5. Logical and Bitwise Operators
      1. Not
      2. And
      3. Or
      4. Xor
      5. Eqv
      6. Imp


Operators of equal precedence will be interpreted from left to right.

Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print 10 / 5 * 2   'Prints: 4
    Debug.Print (10 / 5) * 2 'Prints: 4

End Sub


Expressions inside parentheses are evaluated first. Parentheses are used to override precedence order.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Result As Long

    Result = 1 + 2 * 3
    Debug.Print Result 'Prints: 7

    Result = (1 + 2) * 3
    Debug.Print Result 'Prints: 9

End Sub

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators are used to perform mathematical operations on numbers.

Operator Operation Example
^ Exponentiation 2 ^ 2
+,- Unary Identity and Negation -2
* Multiplication 2 * 5
/ Floating-Point Division 10 / 2
\ Integer Division 5 \ 2
Mod Remainder Division 4 Mod 2
+ Addition 2 + 2
- Subtraction 4 - 2

Concatenation Operators

Concatenation Operators are used to join strings together. The & and + string concatenation operators both join strings together however the & operator will convert any non-string argument to a string whereas the + operator will not. If the + operator is used to combine a string with a non-string an error will occur. The CStr function can be used to explicitly convert non-string values to strings.

Operator Operation
& Implicit String Conversion
+ No Implicit String Conversion
Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print "Hello, " & "World!"

    Debug.Print "Hello, " & 100

    Debug.Print "Hello, " + "World!"

    Debug.Print "Hello, " + 100 'Causes an Error. No implicit string conversion.

    Debug.Print "Hello, " + CStr(100)

End Sub

Comparison Operators

Comparison Operators are used to compare values and return True or False.

Operator Operation
> Greater Than
< Less Than
>= Greater Than or Equal To
<= Less Than or Equal To
= Equal To
<> Not Equal To
Like Compare text using Wildcards
Is Check if Object variables refer to the same Object
TypeOf...Is Check the type of an Object variable
Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print 100 > 50

    Debug.Print 50 < 100

    Debug.Print 25 >= 25

    Debug.Print 25 <= 25

    Debug.Print 50 = 50

    Debug.Print 2 <> 3

End Sub


When comparing strings using comparison operators, the comparison method used is determined by the Option Compare statement. If no Option Compare statement is used, strings are compared using their underlying Binary representations by default (Same as using Option Compare Binary). The StrComp function provides finer control over string comparison by allowing the compare method to be specified.

Option Explicit
Option Compare Binary

Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print "A" <> "a"

End Sub
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print "A" = "a"

End Sub
Option Explicit

Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print StrComp("A", "a", vbTextCompare) = 0

End Sub

The Like operator can be used to compare strings using Wildcard characters to match text patterns.

Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print "Hello, World!" Like "Hello*"

End Sub


The Is keyword can be used to check if two object variables refer to the same object in memory. When objects are compared using Is, the data stored in the object's fields are not compared. A function would need to be created that compares each member of an object, given the object's type.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim C1 As Collection
    Dim C2 As Collection

    Set C1 = New Collection
    Set C2 = New Collection

    Debug.Print C1 Is C2 'Prints: False

    Set C2 = C1

    Debug.Print C1 Is C2 'Prints: True

End Sub

TypeOf...Is can be used to check an object's type. This should be used when an object is declared using the generic Object type and a certain action requires the object to be of a certain type.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Obj As Object
    Set Obj = New Collection

    If TypeOf Obj Is Collection Then
        Debug.Print Obj.Count
        Debug.Print "Obj is not Collection object"
    End If

End Sub

Logical Operators

Logical Operators are used to perform logical operations. Logical operations result in True or False. Logical operators can be used to join together conditional statements into more complex logical expressions. In VBA, there are no short-circuit logical operators. This means that all conditions will be evaluated in a logical expression without regard to the outcome of a previous condition. For example, when using a logical And, both conditions need to be True for the expression to return True. Thus, if the first condition is False, the expression could skip evaluating the next condition and immediately return False. In VBA however, evaluation will continue even if the result could already be determined.

Note: There are no short-circuit logical operators in VBA.

Operator Operation
And Logical And
Or Logical Or
Xor Logical Exclusive Or
Not Logical Not
Eqv Logically Equivelent
Imp Logical Implication
Option Explicit

Public Sub TestAnd()

    Debug.Print True And True   'True
    Debug.Print True And False  'False
    Debug.Print False And True  'False
    Debug.Print False And False 'False
    Debug.Print True And Null   'Null
    Debug.Print Null And True   'Null
    Debug.Print False And Null  'False
    Debug.Print Null And False  'False
    Debug.Print Null And Null   'Null

End Sub

Public Sub TestOr()

    Debug.Print True Or True   'True
    Debug.Print True Or False  'True
    Debug.Print False Or True  'True
    Debug.Print False Or False 'False
    Debug.Print True Or Null   'True
    Debug.Print Null Or True   'True
    Debug.Print False Or Null  'Null
    Debug.Print Null Or False  'Null
    Debug.Print Null Or Null   'Null

End Sub

Public Sub TestXor()

    Debug.Print True Xor True   'False
    Debug.Print True Xor False  'True
    Debug.Print False Xor True  'True
    Debug.Print False Xor False 'False
    Debug.Print True Xor Null   'Null
    Debug.Print Null Xor True   'Null
    Debug.Print False Xor Null  'Null
    Debug.Print Null Xor False  'Null
    Debug.Print Null Xor Null   'Null

End Sub

Public Sub TestNot()

    Debug.Print Not True  'False
    Debug.Print Not False 'True
    Debug.Print Not Null  'Null

End Sub

Public Sub TestEqv()

    Debug.Print True Eqv True   'True
    Debug.Print True Eqv False  'False
    Debug.Print False Eqv True  'False
    Debug.Print False Eqv False 'True
    Debug.Print True Eqv Null   'Null
    Debug.Print Null Eqv True   'Null
    Debug.Print False Eqv Null  'Null
    Debug.Print Null Eqv False  'Null
    Debug.Print Null Eqv Null   'Null

End Sub

Public Sub TestImp()

    Debug.Print True Imp True   'True
    Debug.Print True Imp False  'False
    Debug.Print False Imp True  'True
    Debug.Print False Imp False 'True
    Debug.Print True Imp Null   'Null
    Debug.Print Null Imp True   'True
    Debug.Print False Imp Null  'True
    Debug.Print Null Imp False  'Null
    Debug.Print Null Imp Null   'Null

End Sub


True if both conditions are true

Condition 1 Condition 2 Result
True True True
True False False
False True False
False False False
True Null Null
Null True Null
False Null False
Null False False
Null Null Null


True if at least one condition is true

Condition 1 Condition 2 Result
True True True
True False True
False True True
False False False
True Null True
Null True True
False Null Null
Null False Null
Null Null Null


True if one and only one condition is true

Condition 1 Condition 2 Result
True True False
True False True
False True True
False False False
True Null Null
Null True Null
False Null Null
Null False Null
Null Null Null


True if False, False if True

Condition 1 Result
True False
False True
Null Null


True if conditions are logically equivelent, otherwise False

Condition 1 Condition 2 Result
True True True
True False False
False True False
False False True
True Null Null
Null True Null
False Null Null
Null False Null
Null Null Null


If Condition1 is True, Condition2 must be True. If Condition1 is False, Condition2 can be True or False.

If I am a fish, I breathe water. If I am not a fish, I may breathe water or not.

Condition 1 Condition 2 Result
True True True
True False False
False True True
False False True
True Null Null
Null True True
False Null True
Null False Null
Null Null Null

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise Operators are used to logically compare the bits of binary representations of numbers and return a number representing the result of the bitwise comparison. The number of bits differs depending on the integral data type being compared and every bit is considered when doing bitwise comparisons. For example, when comparing an 8-bit integer to an 16-bit integer, the 8-bit integer will be treated like a 16-bit integer with the first 8 bits set to 0's so that all 16 bits can be compared.


Bitwise And reads integers as Binary and compares each bit using And logic.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Num1    As Byte
    Dim Num2    As Byte
    Dim Result  As Byte

    Num1 = 6  '00000110 in binary
    Num2 = 12 '00001100 in binary

    Result = Num1 And Num2

    Debug.Print Result 'Prints 4 -> 00000100 in binary

End Sub


Bitwise Or reads integers as Binary and compares each bit using Or logic.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Num1    As Byte
    Dim Num2    As Byte
    Dim Result  As Byte

    Num1 = 6  '00000110 in binary
    Num2 = 12 '00001100 in binary

    Result = Num1 Or Num2

    Debug.Print Result 'Prints 14 -> 00001110 in binary

End Sub


Bitwise Xor reads integers as Binary and compares each bit using Xor logic.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Num1    As Byte
    Dim Num2    As Byte
    Dim Result  As Byte

    Num1 = 6   '00000110 in binary
    Num2 = 12  '00001100 in binary

    Result = Num1 Xor Num2

    Debug.Print Result 'Prints 10 -> 00001010 in binary

End Sub


Bitwise Not reads an integer as Binary and reverses each bit.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Num     As Byte
    Dim Result  As Byte

    Num = 3 '00000011 in binary

    Result = Not Num

    Debug.Print Result 'Prints 252 -> 11111100 in binary

End Sub


Bitwise Eqv reads an integer as Binary and compares each bit using Eqv logic.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Num1    As Byte
    Dim Num2    As Byte
    Dim Result  As Byte

    Num1 = 6    '00000110 in binary
    Num2 = 12   '00001100 in binary

    Result = Num1 Eqv Num2

    Debug.Print Result 'Prints 245 -> 11110101

End Sub


Bitwise Imp reads an integer as Binary and compares each bit using Imp logic.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim Num1    As Byte
    Dim Num2    As Byte
    Dim Result  As Byte

    Num1 = 6    '00000110 in binary
    Num2 = 12   '00001100 in binary

    Result = Num1 Imp Num2

    Debug.Print Result  'Prints 253 -> 11111101 in binary

End Sub

Assigment Operator

The assignment operator is used to assign values to variables. The left side of the assignment operator must be a variable and the right side of the assignment operator must be an expression that evaluates to a value that can be assigned to a variable.

Public Sub Example()

    'Assign variable
    Dim i As Long
    i = 100
    Let i = 100

    'Assign Object variable
    Dim Coll As Collection
    Set Coll = New Collection

    'Assign Constant
    Const MESSAGE As String = "Hello, World!"

    'Assign Property
    Range("A1").Value = #01/01/2022#

End Sub

AddressOf Operator

The AddressOf operator is used to pass the address of a procedure to an API function which requires a function pointer as a parameter.

// C++ 64-bit ExampleDLL.dll

#define DLLExport __declspec(dllexport)

extern "C" {

    DLLExport void __stdcall callSub(void (*funcPtr)()) {



Option Explicit

Public Declare PtrSafe Sub callSub Lib "ExampleDLL.dll" (ByVal funcPtr As LongPtr)

Public Sub Example()
    Call callSub(AddressOf SayHello)
End Sub

Public Sub SayHello()
    Debug.Print "Hello, World!"
End Sub


There a few operator-like symbols in VBA which perform specific functions.

Operator Operation Description
_ Line Continuation Continues a line of code on the next physical line. There is a limit of 25 consecutive physical joined lines using the continuation character (24 continuation characters).
: Statement Separator Used to have more than 1 line of code on 1 physical line. Can also be used in the immediate window where only one physical line of code is permitted.
? Immediate Window Query Used in immediate window to return a value from an expression.
:= Walrus Operator Used to pass arguments to a procedure by name.
Public Sub Example()

    Dim Message As String
    Message = "Hello, World!" & _
              vbNewLine & _
              "How are you?"

    Debug.Print Message

End Sub
Public Sub Example()

    Dim i As Long: For i = 1 To 10: Debug.Print i: Next i

End Sub
'In the immediate window:


?2 + 2

?UCase("hello, world!")
Public Sub Example()
    PrintMessage Message:="Hello, World!"

End Sub

Public Sub PrintMessage(Message)

    Debug.Print Message

End Sub