VBA Dates

VBA's built-in Date data type provides an easy native way to deal with dates.

Date Literals

Date literals in VBA are date expressions which can be a time, date, or datetime surrounded by the # sign.

Examples of Date Literals

  • #01/01/2020#
  • #01/01/2020 00:00:00#
  • #01/01/2020 12:00:00 AM#
  • #12:00:00 AM# -> Default date when only time is specified will be 12/30/1899.

Current Date and Time

The Date function returns the current date.

The Time function returns the current time.

The Now function returns the current date and time.

Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print "The current date is: " & Date

    Debug.Print "The current time is: " & Time

    Debug.Print "The current date and time is: " & Now

End Sub

Date Conversion

The CDate function is used to convert an expression to a date.

The CVDate function converts a date expression to a Variant of subtype Date. CVDate exists for backward compatibility because VBA did not always have a Date type. CDate should be used instead.

Public Sub Example()

    Dim D As Date    
    D = CDate("Jan 1 2021")

End Sub

The IsDate function is used to check if an expression is a date.

Public Sub Example()
    If IsDate("Jan 1 2021") Then
        Debug.Print "Is Date"
        Debug.Print "Is Not Date"
    End If

End Sub

Format Dates

The Format function can be used to get a date as a formatted string.

Public Sub Example()

    Debug.Print Format$(Now, "mmmm d, yyyy at h:mm AM/PM")

End Sub
Format Result
ddmmyyyy 01012021
dd/mm/yyyy 01/01/2021
dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss 01/01/2021 00:00:00
dd mmmm yyyy 01 January 2021

DateTime Module

The built-in DateTime module contains a number of functions to facilitate working with dates.

Member Description
Calendar Sets the type of calendar. vbCalGreg or vbCalHijri.
Date Returns the current system date as a Variant/Date.
Date$ Returns the current system date as a String.
Now Returns the current system date and time as a Variant/Date.
Time Returns the current system time as a Variant/Date.
Time$ Returns the current system time as a String.
Timer Returns the number of elapsed seconds since midnight as a Single.
DateAdd Returns a date with a given time interval added as a Variant/Date.
DateDiff Returns the quantity of a given time interval between two given dates as a Variant/Long.
DatePart Returns part of a given date as a Variant/Integer. *There is a bug in this function. The last Monday in some years can be returned as week 53 when it should be week 1. See here.
DateSerial Returns a Variant/Date for a given year, month, and day.
DateValue Returns a Variant/Date for a given string representing a date from 1/1/100 through 12/31/9999.
Day Returns the day of the month as a Variant/Integer.
Hour Returns the hour of the day as a Variant/Integer.
Minute Returns the minute of the hour as a Variant/Integer.
Month Returns the month of the year as a Variant/Integer.
Second Returns the second of the minute as a Variant/Integer.
TimeSerial Returns the time for a specific hour, minute, and second as a Variant/Date.
TimeValue Returns the time given a string representing a time from 0:00:00 through 23:59:59 as a Variant/Date.
Weekday Returns a whole number representing the day of the week as a Variant/Integer.
WeekDayName Returns the name of the weekday given a weekday number. *Not part of DateTime module. Actually member of Strings module.
Year Returns a whole number representing the year as a Variant/Integer.