VBA Interfaces

An interface provides a template that a class can implement. The implementing class is required to provide definitions for each method and property of the interface. Interfaces are used to implement polymorphism. When a class implements an interface there is a guarantee that a client program can call a particular method or access a particular property because their implementation is required by the interface. Thus, different classes can implement the same interface and client programs can access the same methods and properties of object instances regardless of which class type the object has.

Implementing Interfaces

Interfaces are implemented in VBA by using the Implements statement in a Class Module. To add implementations of interface members for the implementing class use the object box and procedure box drop-downs in the class module's code window to insert the members.

Implement Interface Object Box
Implement Interface Procedure Box

The example below has two classes clsExample1 and clsExample2 that both implement the IExample interface. An array of type IExample is created which can hold instances of any classes that implement IExample. Polymorphism is demonstrated when PrintMessage is called on two separate classes implementing the same interface.

'Standard Module: Module1

Option Explicit

Public Sub Example()
    Dim E1 As IExample
    Set E1 = New clsExample1
    E1.Message = "Hello, World!"
    Dim E2 As IExample
    Set E2 = New clsExample2
    E2.Message = "Hello, World!"

    Dim ExampleArr(0 To 1) As IExample
    Set ExampleArr(0) = E1
    Set ExampleArr(1) = E2
    Dim i As Long
    For i = LBound(ExampleArr) To UBound(ExampleArr)
    Next i
End Sub
'Class: IExample

Option Explicit

Private pMessage As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Debug.Print "IExample Initialized"
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Debug.Print "IExample Terminated"
End Sub

Public Property Let Message(RHS As Variant)
    pMessage = RHS
End Property

Public Property Get Message() As Variant
    Message = pMessage
End Property

Public Sub PrintMessage()
    Debug.Print "Message from IExample: " & pMessage
End Sub
'Class: clsExample1

Option Explicit

Implements IExample

Private pMessage As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Debug.Print "clsExample1 Initialized"
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Debug.Print "clsExample1 Terminated"
End Sub

Private Property Get IExample_Message() As Variant
    IExample_Message = pMessage
End Property

Private Property Let IExample_Message(RHS As Variant)
    pMessage = RHS
End Property

Private Sub IExample_PrintMessage()
    Debug.Print "Message from clsExample1: " & pMessage
End Sub
'Class: clsExample2

Option Explicit

Implements IExample

Private pMessage As String

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Debug.Print "clsExample2 Initialized"
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Debug.Print "clsExample2 Terminated"
End Sub

Private Property Get IExample_Message() As Variant
    IExample_Message = pMessage
End Property

Private Property Let IExample_Message(RHS As Variant)
    pMessage = RHS
End Property

Private Sub IExample_PrintMessage()
    Debug.Print "Message from clsExample2: " & pMessage
End Sub